[Tutor] how can i use python 2 alongside 3?

eryksun eryksun at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 22:35:05 CET 2013

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 1:56 PM, Matthew Ngaha <chigga101 at gmail.com> wrote:
> py is not recognized and and it said "depending on how it was
> installed". the problem is it didnt allow me to select a path when
> installing.

The simpler installer is launchwin.msi, which installs to the Windows
directory. This directory should already be on the PATH.

In a cmd shell, check that 'assoc .py' is "Python.File" and that
'ftype Python.File' points to py.exe in your Windows directory, e.g.
"C:\Windows\py.exe "%1" %*'. If it's wrong, re-install. Or fix it
manually using assoc and ftype in an elevated cmd shell, which updates
the local machine registry keys in HKLM\Software\Classes.

Also, Windows Explorer has an "Open With" dialog that configures
per-user settings for multiple associations, including a default (i.e.
the "Always use..." checkbox). These keys are stored in
Make sure that UserChoice is set to the Progid "Python.File". You
should be able to change this using the 'Open With->Choose Default
Program...' dialog.

You can customize pylauncher by editing its ini file in your profile.
For example, run 'notepad %localappdata%\py.ini' to create/edit it.
See the docs for the settings, such as changing the default
interpreter and adding custom shebangs.

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