[Tutor] lambda

anthonym anthonym at att.net
Sat Jan 26 01:35:44 CET 2013

Thanks Alan.  I prefer the lambda too.  Especially given how much code I
saved.  I forgot about i and j being dynamic and the call function.

On 1/25/13 4:14 PM, "Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:

>On 25/01/13 23:57, anthonym wrote:
>> I don't think my classmates will understand the use of lambda here but I
>> am having are hard time converting that to strictly python.
>lambdas are strictly python but they can be easily reanslated into a
>named function as
>lambda p: expr
>def f(p):
>    return expr
>so in your case
> >          b[i][j] = Button(font=('Aerial', 56), width=3, bg='yellow',
> >                           command = lambda r=i,c=j: ttt(r,c))
>def bCmd(r=i,c=j):
>     return ttt(r,c)
>b[i][j] = Button(font=('Aerial', 56), width=3, bg='yellow',
>                  command = bCmd)
>Your problem of course is that you need i and j to be dynamically
>defined so you need to create and call a function that returns a
>function like this
>def buttonFunMaker(i,j):
>     def func(x=i,y=j):
>         return ttt(x,y)
>     return func
>b[i][j] = Button(font=('Aerial', 56), width=3, bg='yellow',
>                  command = buttonFunMaker(i,j))
>Personally I prefer the lambda...
>Alan G
>Author of the Learn to Program web site
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
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