[Tutor] automate add-to-cart with python

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 29 00:49:48 CET 2013

>> Or maybe, just maybe, somebody has written a javascript interpreter in
>> Python as a module that you can import. It sounds just about crazy enough
>> that it might even exist! But as I said, that's probably the wrong thing to
>> do...
>A direct approach would probably use the webdriver API to automate the
>browser.  Selenium has one:
>    http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/api/py/index.html
>You could use COM to drive IE on Windows or Applescript to drive 
a MacOS browser. No idea what you'd do on Linux...

But direct API or even a simple CGI url call would be better.

Alan g.

Nice to see you posting on tutor again Danny :-)
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