[Tutor] Set Reply-To field to Tutor at python.org

DoanVietTrungAtGmail doanviettrung at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 12:47:42 CET 2013

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 9:12 PM, Oscar Benjamin
<oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com>wrote:

> If you don't mind my asking, do you send many off-list messages as
> replies to on-list ones?
> Oscar

For this list, I have sent 1 public reply and 2 private replies (to thank
individual tutors). Both numbers are too small to have any significance.

Reading the Chip Rosenthal article that Steven referred to, I thought that
in the case of this Tutor list, his arguments are neither here nor there.
It probably comes down to personal preference, and that's why I stated mine.

The reason for my personal preference is that for other lists, I am
frequently annoyed by private-reply emails landing in my inbox, and
sometimes I absent-mindedly do the same thing, thus annoying others.

For most lists, group-reply ought to be deliberate. For a few lists it
doesn't matter either way. What if, as Oscar seems to say, this Tutor list
is in a category where private-reply ought to be deliberate? Most people
would only form 1 habit for all lists, rather than 1 for each of the
several lists they participate in. If so, I think the habit of deliberate
public-reply would serve us better in terms of etiquette.

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