[Tutor] How to remove from mailing list when server access blocked?

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Mon Jul 1 20:34:10 CEST 2013

On 07/01/2013 12:26 PM, jhamerly at medford.k12.ma.us wrote:
> Hello,
> Can anyone tell me how to remove myself from this mailing list? When I
> click on unsubscribe my browser displays a message that I can not access
> the unsubscribe url or server because my IP is on a blacklist at
> Spamhaus. I am writing from my work email and don't have permission to
> change settings, etc.
> What are my options?

Sorry that Ramit didn't read your email carefully enough.

I'd suggest you tell your company's IT person about the Spamhaus 
problem, so she can get it cleared up.

But you can unsubscribe entirely by email:

Send an email to:

tutor-request at python.org

with a subject of    Help

and you'll get an email back with instructions.  Probably all you'll 
need then is to reply, changing the subject to     Unsubscribe


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