[Tutor] Cleaning up output
Prasad, Ramit
ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com
Wed Jul 3 22:30:58 CEST 2013
bjames at Jamesgang.dyndns.org wrote:
> I've written my first program to take a given directory and look in all
> directories below it for duplicate files (duplicate being defined as
> having the same MD5 hash, which I know isn't a perfect solution, but for
> what I'm doing is good enough)
> My problem now is that my output file is a rather confusing jumble of
> paths and I'm not sure the best way to make it more user readable. My gut
> reaction would be to go through and list by first directory, but is there
> a logical way to do it so that all the groupings that have files in the
> same two directories would be grouped together?
> So I'm thinking I'd have:
> First File Dir /some/directory/
> Duplicate directories:
> some/other/directory/
> Original file 1 , dupicate file 1
> Original file 2, duplicate file 2
> some/third directory/
> original file 3, duplicate file 3
> and so forth, where the Original file would be the file name in the First
> files so that all the ones are the same there.
> I fear I'm not explaining this well but I'm hoping someone can either ask
> questions to help get out of my head what I'm trying to do or can decipher
> this enough to help me.
> Here's a git repo of my code if it helps:
> https://github.com/CyberCowboy/FindDuplicates
Your file was not too big to just paste in the email. (Pasted below)
import os, hashlib
hashdict = {} # content signature -> list of filenames
dups = []
def dupe(rootdir):
"""goes through directory tree, compares md5 hash of all files,
combines files with same hash value into list in hashmap directory"""
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(unicode(rootdir)):
#this section goes through the given directory, and all subdirectories/files below
#as part of a loop reading them in
for filename in files:
#steps through each file and starts the process of getting the MD5 hashes for the file
#comparing that hash to known hashes that have already been calculated and either merges it
#with the known hash (which indicates duplicates) or adds it so that it can be compared to future
fullname = os.path.join(path, filename)
with open(fullname) as f:
#does the actual hashing
md5 = hashlib.md5()
while True:
d = f.read(4096)
if not d:
h = md5.hexdigest()
filelist = hashdict.setdefault(h, [])
for currenthash in hashdict.itervalues():
#goes through and if has has more than one file listed with it
#considers it a duplicate and adds it to the output list
if len(currenthash) > 1:
output = open('duplicates.txt','w')
for x in dups:
Why do you only read 4096 bytes at a time? Guarding against large
I would probably sort on original file and print "original: dup1 dup2".
That way it should automatically put original files together by
for currenthash in hashdict.itervalues():
#goes through and if has has more than one file listed with it
#considers it a duplicate and adds it to the output list
if len(currenthash) > 1:
dups.sort() # Should sort by original file then first duplicate, etc
# if you want to only sort by original file use
# dups.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
with open('duplicates.txt','w') as output:
for x in dups:
output.write('Original {0} | {1}\n'.format(x[0], ' '.join(x[1:])))
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