[Tutor] please return flys in ointment

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 21:59:30 CEST 2013

> To make a custom error, first pick another error that's a superset of what
> you're doing.  Then simply derive your error class from it.  As a minimum:
> class TooHugeError (ValueError):
>     pass
> Actually, I didn't get to classes yet since I wanted to nail procedural -
I'm in no rush - but that looks simple enough.

Damn, computer is overheating again. I'll be glad when the AZ heatwave is
over so I can get back to more hours on the computer, but Reality
intervenes ;')


> --
> DaveA
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Most American jurors are not told, by power-mad judges, that they can
disregard the law, the evidence, and the instructions of the judge, if they
feel a law is unfair, and render a verdict of "innocent". They are kept in
the dark about this right, called Jury Nullification.
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