[Tutor] please return flys in ointment
Jim Mooney
cybervigilante at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 07:26:46 CEST 2013
On 8 July 2013 19:22, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> That's what I keep telling my AGW-Denialist friend, but he prefers living in
> a fantasy world where human beings can inject four Hiroshima A-bombs worth
> of heat into the oceans and atmosphere every second without consequence.
> (The actual excess heat accumulated over the last decade is 8000 million
> million megajoules per year.) Global temperatures were increasing even over
> the last few years while the solar cycle was cooling, now that the solar
> cycle is returning to its heating phase, so get used to it, you're
> experiencing a small glimpse of the future.
There is a recent well-documented doctoral thesis - not the usual
scarification - that the North Polar icecap may disappear this year.
The masses don't grasp that multiple positive feedback loops, from
albedo-change to methane-release, and some not understood, are moving
things along Much faster than even pessimistic scientists predicted.
Get ready for food wars consequent on climate-disruption.
The thesis:
And some factual supporting information from the US Navy:
Navy specs not indicated at that link, but I backfollowed it to its
source, so they're easy enough to find.
I tracked this pretty far. It's not vague environmentalist heavings.
The N Polar cap shows unprecedented stress-cracking. A strangely
persistent cyclone is breaking the ice up even more and scattering the
ice. Very oddly, the thickest ice, at the center of the pole, is
becoming thinner than outlying regions, for the fist time in known
But my bet is the short-memoried public will forget the major
denialists, who will probably keep doing quite well.
Of course, this isn't mentioned in the media. But then, when I warned
the repeal of Glass-Steagall would lead directly to vast economic
disruption, over ten years ago - but that wasn't mentioned in the
media, either. The media tends to predict the past, and Still gets the
real causes wrong ;'(
It may still be possible, even this late, to reverse some of the
disaster with massive terraforming - costly, but still less than the
cost of even one war - but of course, we aren't going to do that. And
terraforming will follow the law of unintended consequences since we
haven't done it before - although we are doing it now, only
Even if this guy's prediction if off for this year, the regular
decrease of North polar ice is unsustainable within five years at
most. And I haven't even factored in the South Pole since the North
Pole has a much greater effect on global weather patterns in the
Northern Hemisphere, where most of us live.
Okay, end of wildly off-topic. You just happened to mention something
I had only just researched for veracity, so I still had a few links
> --
> Steven
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