[Tutor] New Python 3.3.2 Install Fails to Start-Up

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Jul 10 19:27:58 CEST 2013

On 08/07/13 06:43, Nathan Schlaffer wrote:

> I have a Windows 7 Laptop. I installed Python Version 3.3.2 this morning
> and it worked fine. Then I tried to run a program someone else wrote
> (see below)

I didn't see anything related below. What program did you try to run? 
How did you try to run it?

> , and Python closed. Then I couldn't get Python to restart

You need to be clear whether you mean Python or IDLE.
IDLE is a development tool written in Python. To run IDLE you
need Python but to run Python you do not need IDLE.

> stilll couldn't start Python,

Python or IDLE?
Can you be more specific about what you are doing? How exactly are you 
trying to 'start python'?

> Second, I tried to run my Python programs today via IDLE but when I
> checked the Edit Menu I couldn't find a Run Menu

Which implies that you started IDLE. But IDLE requires Python so you 
must have solved the first question?

> How do I run a program once I have written the code in IDLE?

If you open a new Edit window and type your code (or open an existing 
file) then there should be a Run menu item.
However that should only be used for testing, IDLE is only a development 
To run a completed program you should only need to double click it in 
Windows Explorer (assuming all associations/permissions etc are OK)

Of course what you see as a result will depend on the program - does it 
run in a console? Does it have a GUI? A Web front end? Is it interactive 
or does it just run and terminate? It all depends...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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