[Tutor] importing into a function

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 05:20:16 CEST 2013

> Over the past few weeks I've seen Jim bounce between 2.x and 3.x, in
> both 32-bit and 64-bit, from the official distributions to
> ActivePython, and 2 or 3 IDEs. So maybe my comment will be relevant
> next week. ;)

That's the fault of Python, not me ;')  I prefer learning on 3.3 , but
then I'll see something interesting that only works in 2.7, or a good
book fragment or web page that is only for 2.7. I'm sure this will all
be sorted out in a few years and I can put 2.7 to bed, with fond
memories of utter confusion.

So far, I think the best Python IDE is Wing Pro, but I have to save
for it. Until then Pyscripter is good at the price, there being
nothing cheaper than free, but it doesn't have as clear a debugger as
Wing 101. So I'll sometimes use Wing, which is set for 2.7 in the free
version, if I need a clearer debugger. But 3.3 is preferred and my IDE
prints out the version automatically.

And of course, it's nice to check and see if my program works in both.

However, there is no worry I'm going to adopt one of those dinosaur
IDEs that was originally written for Java. I tried one and it took me
fifteen minutes to get "Hello, World!" working.


Although the darling of health faddists, there is no such thing as
canola oil, since there is no canola plant - it's genetically modified
rapeseed oil given a nicer name ;')

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