[Tutor] Cannot understand what this means

Mon Jul 15 10:53:27 CEST 2013

Hello All,
   I have just started out with python and was feeling pretty comfortable and confident to the point of solving problems from websites. But now, there is a program from Google's Python Exercises whose main() part is already given to you.

def main():
  # This command-line parsing code is provided.
  # Make a list of command line arguments, omitting the [0] element
  # which is the script itself.
  args = sys.argv[1:]

  if not args:
    print 'usage: [--summaryfile] file [file ...]'

  # Notice the summary flag and remove it from args if it is present.
  summary = False
  if args[0] == '--summaryfile':
    summary = True
    del args[0]

The problem is one where you have to define a function to read a html file containing the 1000 most popular baby names of a particular year(separate files for different years) and print each name in alphabetical order with their corresponding rank for that year.

My problem is that I cannot understand anything in this main() module. Nothing at all. So can somebody please explain what this means and what is its significance?

Thank You

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