[Tutor] object size in python is in what units?

Jim Mooney cybervigilante at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 10:57:16 CEST 2013

On 23 July 2013 01:13, Marc Tompkins <marc.tompkins at gmail.com> wrote:

When I saved your code as a file on my machine (Python 2.7 on Win8 64-bit)
> and ran it from the command line, I got the same result as you - three IDs,
> 40 apart every time.  However, I initially pasted your code into
> PyScripter, and when I ran it inside PyScripter the results were different:
> if the first ID was x, then the second was x+160, and the third was x+200.
> (160 is obviously divisible by 40... I have no idea what conclusion to draw
> from that.)

I like PyScripter, but I suspect it injects a lot of behind-the-scenes
code. At times it does something odd or just chokes, so if something looks
funny, I run it from Wing 101, which nearly always gives the same result as
the command line and has yet to choke. And the command line, of course, is
the final arbiter once a program is complete. So far, Wing 101 has
fulfilled my expectations as a basic Python IDE, so it's the one I'll buy
if I fall into money.

PyCharm might be good but they don't have a free version and I'm not
learning a tryout I might have to ditch. Which means the folks at Wing are
smarter marketers by giving away the basic version ;')  I think that Joel
guy at .joelonsoftware.com mentioned something to that effect. An excellent
site to peruse when I'm feeling brain-dead and need a break.

Speaking of brain dead, I was taking a break from Python by looking at a
video on finite state machines and the very first example was tennis
scoring. I think the $#@! insane tennis scoring was harder to understand
than the subject.

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