[Tutor] Fwd: script in Raspberry pi python

Kirk Bailey kbailey at howlermonkey.net
Tue Jul 30 03:50:30 CEST 2013

originally edited on  a windows box, then copied over with a usb stick. 
I suppose I better open it, copy it to mouse then paste it to a nw file- 
or what? Please advise.

On 7/25/2013 3:45 PM, Walter Prins wrote:
> Hi,
> On 25 July 2013 19:45, Kirk Bailey <kbailey at howlermonkey.net 
> <mailto:kbailey at howlermonkey.net>> wrote:
>     which python
>     /usr/bin/python
>     root at KirksPiBox1:/home/pi: ./RR.py
>     bash: ./RR.py: /usr/bin/python^M: bad interpreter: No such file or
>     directory
>     root at KirksPiBox1:home/pi:_
> Dave's correct.  That "^M" represents ctlr-m, and is the displayable 
> equivalent of the "Carriage Return" character.  Windows text files 
> uses CR/LF (Carriage Return, Line Feed) characters to delimit lines of 
> text in text files. Unix uses only "Line Feed".  So the extra carriage 
> return character is taken to be part of the text at the end of the 
> shebang line.  And "/usr/bin/python" is not the same as 
> "/usr/bin/python^M"
> Here's some background:
> http://mag-sol.com/articles/crlf.html
> How and where did you create the file?  If with an editor, which editor?
> Walter
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     Kirk Bailey
     CEO, Freehold Marketing LLC

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