[Tutor] readline

Mike McTernan livingmike at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 22:12:50 CEST 2013

I am having problems with the readline command in Python 2.7.

I have a text file that has 12 lines of text, each line represents a
response to a variable called star_sign that is collected via

However, instead of printing the line 5 it prints the first 5 letters on line 1.

Here is the program:

from sys import argv

script, zodiac = argv

prediction = open(zodiac, "r")

prompt = "> "

def welcome():
    print "Welcome to your daily horoscope"

def horoscope():
    print "I can predict your future"
    print "What is your starsign?"
    star_sign = raw_input(prompt)

    if "Leo" in star_sign:
        print prediction.readline(5)

        print "You gonna die"


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