[Tutor] Trying to get mp3play-0.1.15 module to work on Windows 7

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jun 10 21:01:03 CEST 2013

On 10/06/2013 18:48, Michael Sparks wrote:
> I read Practical Programming, chapter 4 and I know how to write and use
> my own modules on IDLE for Python 3.2 but now I switched to version 2.7
> and I don't know how to use a downloaded module such as mp3play-0.1.15
> written by Michael Gundlach. I got Python 2.5, 2.7 and 3.2 on my
> computer at home and I prefer 2.7 for it's modern use (esp. with
> Csound). I'm using this computer in a coffee shop for internet. I can
> make small downloads onto my pen drive and transfer them to my laptop at
> home (well "so-called" home; It's a sober house and I've been sober for
> a month except for nicoteen, coffee and meds. All I need is one more
> month in Port Hardy, I believe.).
> The zip archive contains py files example.py and setup.py in the root
> directory of the zip including another folder called mp3play containing
> __init__.py and windows.py including matching pyc files for __init__ and
> windows. I could e-mail Gundlach himself but I thought I'd ask at least
> one of you first.
> Couldn't figure it out even with the documentation yesterday so please
> teach me as if I know nothing about it.
> I just want to see If I can play an mp3 in Python.
> even though I know the/some basics of IDLE, I still have a fair guessing
> time with the Wing 101 IDE (lite/light version).

What doesn't work about the installation instructions here 
http://code.google.com/p/mp3play/ ?

"Steve is going for the pink ball - and for those of you who are 
watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green." Snooker 
commentator 'Whispering' Ted Lowe.

Mark Lawrence

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