[Tutor] First program after PyCamp

bjames at Jamesgang.dyndns.org bjames at Jamesgang.dyndns.org
Wed Jun 12 17:18:27 CEST 2013

I've updated this code and to make it more easily readible put it in a
github repo https://github.com/CyberCowboy/FindDuplicates

Everything is working, however the code is hard to read and I'll be
working on cleaning that up, as well as splitting the program into 3
different functions (one that gets hashes, one that finds and identifies
the duplicates, and one that outputs the results)

However I'm having a problem in that if during the hashing faze a filename
with non-ascii characters is encountered the file errors out.  Since this
is going to be used at work and we have a large number of Chinese and
Arabic filenames I need to have the search allow a unicode character set. 
How would I go about doing this?

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