[Tutor] Need Help Modifying a wxPython GUI (scrolling display and logging)

Matt D md123 at nycap.rr.com
Wed Jun 12 23:32:41 CEST 2013

On 06/10/2013 12:23 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
> Matt D wrote:
>> Ramit Prasad wrote: 
>>>>> Scrolled panel is just a graphical container that allows for scrolling inside,
>>>>> but it is the window that scrolls not widgets inside it. This of it like
>>>>> a webpage that scrolls. If you use web email the text widget in the
>>>>> email needs to scroll so you can see your full email context and not
>>>>> just scroll the page.
>>>>> You will probably need to create a TextCtrl with the appropriate style
>>>>> and append your new data. I have given an example below that should
>>>>> automatically scroll with your new data.
>>>>> #in __init__
>>>>> self.scrolling_widget = wx.TextCtrl( self, wx.ID_ANY, '', size=(-1, 275),
>> Hey,
>> I added this the above 3 lines of code to my file and ran it.  the box
>> shows up on the far left, mostly of the pane, to the left of the current
>> text feilds.  I am having trouble positioning this textbox under where
>> the current text fields are.
>> I am not sure but maybe this sets up the grid on the pane:
>> 	sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(hgap=10, vgap=10)
>>         self.fields = {}
>> all the current TextCtrl fields are positioned at (1,1) through (5,5).
>> I tried adding:
>> 	sizer.Add(field, pos=(1,6))
>> but it did not move the box to the position?
> Just to make sure, you did call it field and not self.scrolling_widget
> (which was in my example)? 
> Odd that they don't start at (0,0) when adding to the bag. This is
> more a wxpython question and their mailing list might prove more
> useful. I could figure it out, but I cannot run the app. Trial
> and error here will probably help you the most. You can also
> try looking at a different sizer (like BoxSizer and GridSizer).
> Personally, I think BoxSizer is the most intuitive as it matches
> my thought process. You just set an orientation (vertical/horizontal) 
> and add widgets to it. To get something in the other direction, you 
> create another box sizer with the opposite orientation, add widgets
> to that sizer, and then add the new sizer to the original sizer. Not 
> nearly as pretty as grid/grid bag though (by default), but super simple.
> BoxSizer API
> http://wxpython.org/docs/api/wx.BoxSizer-class.html
> Some other sizers are listed here: 
> http://wxpython.org/docs/api/wx.Sizer-class.html
>> THanks,
>> Matt
if i put:

 self.logfile = open('logfile.csv', 'w')

in the .py file, within the 'class TrafficPane', then shouldn't
logfile.csv be written to the directory the .py file is in?  because its
not there after running the program?  Where should i look for it?

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