[Tutor] Is there a programmatic use for keys() and values()

python at outofoptions.net python at outofoptions.net
Sun Jun 16 23:01:15 CEST 2013

On 06/16/2013 01:49 PM, Jim Mooney wrote:
> VIM sounds good but I don't think there's a version for Windows. 
> Keeping different programs open is great if you have dual monitors, 
> which I did when I was webmastering. Alas, some $#@ fooled with my 
> computer and wiped out the dual monitor card. But when I fixed his 
> front end I left a bolt off and his wheel went rolling down the 
> highway, so I guess we're even ;') As for the one-week learning curve 
> on VIM, reminds me of that claim for Joomla. Yes, you can set up a 
> site in a few hours after your first install of Joomla, but learning 
> to fix the blowups and problems while people are screaming at you, 
> since it's all public, takes considerably longer. Although an editor 
> that's been around since the stone age probably doesn't blow up. I 
> doubt VIM has a constant stream of upgrades (not always compatible), 
> bug fixes, and security fixes ;') 

vimtutor gets you a good start rather quickly.

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