[Tutor] appending/updating values dict key value pairs

Albert-Jan Roskam fomcl at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 22 21:39:53 CEST 2013

> From: Sivaram Neelakantan <nsivaram.net at gmail.com>
>To: tutor at python.org 
>Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 7:52 PM
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] appending/updating values dict key value pairs
>On Sat, Jun 22 2013,Mark Lawrence wrote:
>[snipped 7 lines]
>>>>>> b = { 'a': [4, 5]}
>>>>>> list.append(b.get('a'),'c')
>>>>>> b
>>> {'a': [4, 5, 'c']}
>>> as in, shouldn't it be
>>> b['a'] = list.append(b.get('a'),'c')
>>> which doesn't seem to work.
>>>   sivaram
>>>   --
>> b['a'].append('c')
>arrgh! I should have known this.  Thank you for making it obvious to
>the noob.

I use dict.setdefault fairly often for things like this:

>>> d = {}
>>> d.setdefault("aKey", []).append("aValue")
>>> d.setdefault("aKey", []).append("anotherValue")
>>> d
{'aKey': ['aValue', 'anotherValue']}
>>> d.setdefault("anotherKey", []).append("aValue")
>>> d
{'aKey': ['aValue', 'anotherValue'], 'anotherKey': ['aValue']}

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