[Tutor] Need help appending data to a logfile

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Mon Jun 24 23:57:56 CEST 2013

On 06/24/2013 05:39 PM, Matt D wrote:
>> But what he's doing has nothing to do with logging.  He's just using
>> that word.
> Right, I'm not doing a debugging thing.  Just trying to create a log of
> data that has been passed into the display of this program.  Since I
> started trying to use the array the program is not working.  So I am
> wondering if its not the best way to try to save TextCtrl values.

You accidentally posted this offline, direct to me.  So it loses all 
context.  I'll try to get it back into the thread, but it may not "take."

I don't know what array you're referring to.  I VERY seldom use arrays 
in Python, since list is much more flexible and easy to use.  Nor do I 
know what you mean by the program not working.

I also don't know what you mean by saving TextCtrl values.  Aren't they 
being appended to the csv file (in random order) with your latest changes?

You asked about a "save-as" feature.  Why isn't that as simple as 
copying the current contents of the saved csv file?  Or do you not know 
how you would go about copying?

Be specific with your questions, and you might get some answers.  Use 
those answers in later versions, and you'll get the same people more 
willing to help further.

Why is it no longer of interest to you to get a predictable order in 
your csv file?


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