[Tutor] Need help appending data to a logfile

Matt D md123 at nycap.rr.com
Thu Jun 27 16:36:36 CEST 2013

> You asked about a "save-as" feature.  Why isn't that as simple as
> copying the current contents of the saved csv file?  Or do you not know
> how you would go about copying?

Hi.  So I have the logger working, meaning the correct data is being
written to the 'internal' file 'logfile.txt' which is opened like this:

   self.logfile = open('logfile.txt', 'a')

And I have the button that starts the file dialog like this:

 #open file dialog -----------------------------
	def openFile(self, evt):
		with wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", os.getcwd(), "",
	                        "*.*", wx.OPEN) as dlg:
			if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
				path = dlg.GetPath()
				mypath = os.path.basename(path)
                                with open(mypath, "a") as f:

Is there a simple way to copy what is in the 'internal' logfile.txt to
the file that the user chooses from the button?

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