[Tutor] confusing installation

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 1 09:58:29 CET 2013

On 01/03/13 02:33, Lolo Lolo wrote:
> Hi all. Im working through a database tutorial in a book called Core
> Python Applications.

I'm not familiar with that book so can't offer specific help.

> SQLAlchemy with easy install. Here is what this entire process might
> look like on a Windows-based PC... then it proceeds to  write a whole
> bunch of god know what. It looks similar to when you install something
> on linux.. Im a windows only user btw.

Welcome to the world of software development. GUIs like Windows are 
great for doing simple things but they can't compete with command line 
tools for doing powerful things quickly. So pretty much every programmer 
has to get used to using the command line sooner or later.

If you are not used to using the Windowsc CMD program there are several 
short tutorials available to help you get started.

> That link i went there to download the file but if you look at that site
> i dont know what on earth im supposed to do to install/retrieve that
> file. I do not know what easy install is.

easy install is a toolset for making the installation of Python modules 
easy. Again there are tutorials/manual pages available and the first 
time you use it you may want to read one of those.

> What do they mean i need a web browser? doesnt every computer have
 > a web-browser??

Mostly, but some don't. Especially older ones or special purpose ones.
Some only have text based browsers that can't show graphics etc.

> what is curl??

A software tool for fetching files from urls. Its not installed on 
Windows by default you would need to download and install a copy of that 
too. But I suspect you can do the same thing using your browser, it will 
just take a bit more effort.

> not proceed with this tutorial if i recieve no help... Please can anyone
> assist me on what i have to do to use the tools they are presenting.

It may be that the tutorial is too far ahead of your current
level of computer skills. Its assuming you are comfortable using a 
command line. It might be worth finding a more basic tutorial until your 
skill level gets back up to the point you can go back to that one. The 
good news there are lots of free tutorials
at all levels.

It sounds to me like finding a new tutorial that takes a slower pace 
might be your best option here. Do you know what you are trying to learn 
specifically? Or is it just the next topic in the tutorial? Do you have 
a specific need to use SQL Alchemy? If not maybe you can just jump over 
a chapter tor two...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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