[Tutor] confusing installation

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Fri Mar 1 16:27:44 CET 2013

On 02/28/2013 08:33 PM, Lolo Lolo wrote:
> Hi all. Im working through a database tutorial in a book called Core
> Python Applications. On page 290 it asks of me to install something
> though its not clear what it is. I think it has to do with
> SQLAlchemy. It says if you use Python 3 you'll need to get distribute
> first. You'll need a web browser (or the curl if you have it).

I have the book but I am only on chapter one and I don't use Windows so 
my explanation may not be 100% accurate.

Since you use python 3 you will need to download the file: 
distribute_setup.py.  To do so you will need a web browser or the 
command line tool curl.  I use Firefox and when I click on the url you 
give below it immediately offers to download the required file.

> Mind you i havent a clue what it is on about.. then it goes on:
> And to download the installation file (available at
> http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py), and then get
> SQLAlchemy with easy install. Here is what this entire process might
> look like on a Windows-based PC... then it proceeds to  write a whole
> bunch of god know what. It looks similar to when you install
> something on linux.. Im a windows only user btw.

He is showing you what to expect.  Where ever you see a line starting 
with C:\ that is what he typed into the command line session, and the 
lines that follow is the program you are installing informing you what 
it is doing. (Until you get to the next C:\ or the end)

> That link i went there to download the file but if you look at that
> site i dont know what on earth im supposed to do to install/retrieve
> that file. I do not know what easy install is.What do they mean i
> need a web browser? doesnt every computer have a web-browser?? what
> is curl?? I can not proceed with this tutorial if i recieve no
> help... Please can anyone assist me on what i have to do to use the
> tools they are presenting.
> i use Python 3 and Windows

Regards,  Jim

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