[Tutor] confusing installation

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Mar 2 01:58:53 CET 2013

On 02/03/13 00:14, Lolo Lolo wrote:

> i didnt see this Alan. my interests is only SQL but the book indicates
> things like ORMs are very important?..

It depends. In some frameworks like TurboGears or Django ORMs are a big 
part of the story. In everyday programming I tend to just use straight 
SQL. Personally I find the extra complexity (and often limitations) that 
ORMs add is not worth the gain.

> gadfly i think. Im definately after an indepth SQL tutorial. I'll have a
> look at yours now.

Mime isn't in-depth but it does cover the main concepts and how to 
integrate Python and SQL.

Like everything in my tutorial the intention is to get you to the point 
where you can do the basics yourself but also read and understand the in 
depth tutorials when you need to go there.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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