[Tutor] mysqlite

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Wed Mar 6 23:29:48 CET 2013

On 03/06/2013 03:47 PM, Joel Goldstick wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Lolo Lolo <losermeloser at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> im working through alan's sql tutorial. i have a few questions from there
>> but 1st i wanted to try out an example in Core python's sql example.
>>>>> import sqlite3
>>>>> cxn = sqlite3.connect('sqlite_test/test')
>>>>> cur = cxn.cursor()
>> after this i created a table called users and inserted some data. then i
>> did:
>>>>> cur.execute('SELECT * from users')
>>>>> for user in cur.fetchall():
>>              print(user)
>> i got the results of all data i gave the table. then did
>>>>> cur.close()
>>>>> cxn.commit()
>>>>> cxn.close()

I've only used sqlite and Python together a couple of times but I don't 
remember seeing that sequence of commands used.  Don't use cur.close() 
and see if that helps.

Regards, Jim

>> i then closed this interactive IDLE session. i reopened another session
>> and simply did
>>>>> import sqlite3
>>>>> cxn = sqlite3.connect('sqlite_test/test')
>>>>> cur = cxn.cursor()
>>>>> for user in cur.fetchall():
>>              print(user)
>> but this time no data was printed back to me, even though the database
>> file 'test' already existed from the previous session. Why did this happen,
>> cant i just connect and my data is still intact? or do i have to always re
>> enter data from the previously saved session?
> Are you sure you are in same directory each time?
>> My questions about http://www.alan-g.me.uk/tutor/tutdbms.htm is to open a
>> database it uses the command line directly and doesnt creat cursor() or
>> connect() objects e.g.
>> E:\PROJECTS\SQL> sqlite3 employee.db
>> sqlite> create table Employee
>>     ...> (EmpID,Name,HireDate,Grade,ManagerID);
>> sqlite> insert into Employee (EmpID, Name, HireDate, Grade, ManagerID)
>>     ...> values ('1020304','John Brown','20030623','Foreman','1020311');
>> i tried this in my command line but got :
>> python.exe: can't open file 'sqlite': [Errno 2] No
>>   such file or directory
>> i tried creating the a folder called test and doing:  test employee.db
>> but no test.db was created.
>> my main questions are it possible to use the command line without cursor()
>> and connect() in python 3 or is it only for python 2. is it better from the
>> command line or in a .py file. And also my previous question i had about
>> having to re enter previously stored data
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