[Tutor] mysqlite

Lolo Lolo losermeloser at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 8 15:29:03 CET 2013

I finished the tutorial and must say i am very happy. Ill probably go over it again while writing some test dbs. The SQL command line still troubles me
>I'm not running it from Python I'm running it from the OS command line.
>You need to open a CMD shell window and cd to your SQL database folder
>(E:\PROJECTS\SQL in the example above) and then run sqlite3.
>sqlite3 employee.db

>> my main questions are it possible to use the command line
>> without cursor() and connect() in python 3

>No only from the sqlite command line.
I can only find an sqlite3 folder in my Python installation folder. Python\Lib\sqlite3
the command line command doesnt work from inside this folder, but i am guessing this isnt where im supposed to do it from. 
Is there a sqlite program i am supposed to install that is separate from the one that came with Python? Its the only reason i 
can come up with for my cmd not "recognizing sqlite3 as a command, operable program or batch file", but i don't know which
SQL package to download/install.

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