[Tutor] break

Matthew Ngaha chigga101 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 23:38:41 CET 2013

i cant seem to break out of this loop. let me explain the variables you see:

Enemy.ships = [] #an Enemy class variable that contains enemy ships
self.missiles = [] an instance variable that appends how many Visible
missiles my ship has fired
Enemy.rects = [] an Enemy class variable that represents a rectangle
for every ship in Enemy.ships
Explosion() = a class where explosions occur
QPoint() = is a pyqt function that takes a point x, y position as arguments

im trying to destroy the ships if they hit a missile, even though i
use pyqt this is mainly python code

            if Enemy.ships:
                for missile in self.missiles:
                    for rect in Enemy.rects:
                        if QPoint(missile.x + 5, missile.y) in rect:
                            explosion = Explosion(rect.x(), rect.y())

once the missile has hit 1 Enemy.rect i want to break and go to the
next missile so the missile is destroyed and doesnt hit another Enemy,
but for some reason the break i have isnt working and the same missile
sometimes is hitting 2 different rects on the same iteration. i have
done the same loop using a simple print statements on strings greater
than a certain length and it breaks correctly. anyone have any ideas
why the break isnt breaking out of the nested/inner loop but instead
continuing to loop through the Enemies?

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