[Tutor] __init__ doesn't seem to be running

Cameron Macleod cmacleod170 at googlemail.com
Fri Mar 15 22:21:54 CET 2013

Hello everyone, I'm using Python 3.3 and am trying to write a simple to-do
list program. I have a class which runs pretty much everything called todo
and the __init__ method doesn't seem to be running.

class todo():
    def __init__(self):
        tasks = []

    def writeTask(todoList):
        name = input("Please enter the task > ")
        desc = input("Please enter a short description (optional) > ")
        while True:
                imp = int(input("How important is this task? 1-100 > "))
            except TypeError:
                imp = int(input("How important is this task? 1-100 > "))
        if imp > 100:
            imp = 100
        elif imp < 1:
            imp = 1
        todoList.write("\"" + name + "\",\"" + desc + "\",\"" + str(imp) +
        print("Task written!")
        todoList = open('todo.txt', 'r+')
    except IOError:
        todoList = open('todo.txt', 'w')
    for line in todoList:

main = todo()

Whenever I run this, I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python33\todo.py", line 8, in <module>
    class todo():
  File "C:\Python33\todo.py", line 34, in todo
NameError: name 'tasks' is not defined

Indicating that __init__ hasn't run since that is the initialization for
tasks. I had always understood that __init__ was the equivalent of a
constructor, and should be run at the instantiation of any class.

Any help would be much appreciated,
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