[Tutor] Script to generate statements

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Sat Mar 16 02:37:50 CET 2013

On 03/15/2013 08:53 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 15/03/13 19:42, Charles Leviton wrote:
>> Given a list of DBRM members create a JCL which has a series of bind
>> statements for each DBRM.
> Ah, the joys of JCL.
> I haven't read a JCL script in about 15 years! :-)

Been over 40 years for me, so I may not remember it too well.


> PS.
> Note to Hugo. JCL = Job Control language.
> Its like a Unix shell script that specifically used to set up a programs
> runtime environment (how much disk, RAM, CPU it's allowed to consume,
> start/end times etc etc.) One of the most powerful things about a
> mainframe that makes them so much more robust than Unix boxes is the
> fine grained control offered by JCL...

You even get to specify how many cylinders a file will occupy, so you 
don't run out of contiguous space.


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