[Tutor] changing char list to int list isn't working

eryksun eryksun at gmail.com
Sat May 4 07:03:38 CEST 2013

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm turning an integer into a string so I can make a list of separate
> chars, then turn those chars back into individual ints, but the
> resulting list still looks like string chars when I print it. What am
> I doing wrong?
> listOfNumChars = list(str(intNum))
> for num in listOfNumChars:
>     num = int(num)
> print(listOfNumChars)
> # result of 455 entered is ['4', '5', '5']

The body of your for loop only rebinds the loop variable. It's not
appending to a new list or modifying listOfNumChars. As to the latter
list, it's redundant since a string is iterable.

The following snippet creates the list [4, 5, 5]:

    num = 455

    numlist = []
    for c in str(num):

or using a list comprehension:

    numlist = [int(c) for c in str(num)]

or using map:

    numlist = list(map(int, str(num)))


built-in functions

for statement


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