[Tutor] env var packages

vasya volk.vasiliy at gmail.com
Wed May 15 10:26:08 CEST 2013

2013/5/15 vasya <volk.vasiliy at gmail.com>

> Hi, Matthew
> First of all, please state what OS do you using?
> I think its ubuntu because some kind of this problem I've alredy solved
> some time ago: when I've need something like to add "djando-admin.py"  to
> my PATH.
> What you need to do is to delete your django install that you make from
> easy_install and install django from package-manager that provide your
> system. How to delete is described here:
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/install/#remove-any-old-versions-of-django
> And how to install django depends from system to system... As I said
> specify it. For ubuntu it is "apt-get install python-django". BTW
> installing packages from packet-manager the most common and the most
> clearly and best way to install. Do not try to clone it from git or tar.gz
> source code unless you what you do. Or try to use checkinstall (in ubuntu).
> About what "djando-admin.py" do. This is script file that generates simple
> structure of your future code, small enviroment like "hello world" in other
> programming languages. In some distributions (like ubuntu AFAIK) its also
> can start simple HTTP server for debugging your django project. On
> different systems there is also exists "manage.py" module which also do
> this (and this is common way that describes in books). Also it provides
> some interface to manipulate on different settings of your django project.
> To make simple "hello world" enviroment you should write in your terminal
> something like: "django-admin startproject helloworld"
> 2013/5/14 Matthew Ngaha <chigga101 at gmail.com>
>> i have to install django and ive come across some weird instructions.
>> it says to set Django's  django-admin.py file to my environment
>> variable. I was instructed to get django via easy installer that was
>> located in my Python/Scripts folder. it installed django to a
>> different place in site-packages, where django-admin.py resides.But
>> now its telling me to add this file to my env variable and it should
>> also be located in Python/Scripts .. but as i've said, its clearly not
>> there, it is somewhere in a site-packages/django sub folder. so is
>> this an error? or do i go ahead and add Python/Scripts to the env
>> variable, even those the file points somewhere else?
>> My 2nd problem is it says after adding it i will get a python
>> interpreter and Django's djando-admin.py commad up and running. What
>> does this mean? both files open? it was specific about adding the path
>> to the env variable, but if i already have python added, why do i need
>> to add django? shouldnt it already be added? i will quote:
>> "You should make sure "djando-admin.py" is in your PATH environment
>> variable so that it can be executed from the command-line (unless you
>> like calling interpreters by using full pathnames)"
>> does this mean in a terminal, that i can be in
>> "Python/myproject/script_one/" and be able to open a .py file in
>> "Python/myproject/script_two/" by simpling typing its file name
>> without having to cd into its directory or typing its full path?
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