[Tutor] Issue with string method: str(variable ** n)

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Thu May 16 21:14:52 CEST 2013

On 05/16/2013 02:58 PM, Rafael Knuth wrote:
> Hej,
> I wrote a tiny little program which I was hoping would take a number as
> input, square and print it:
> square = input ("Enter a number. ")
> print (str(square) + " squared is " + str(square ** 2))
> It seems I can't work with variables within the str() string method, and I
> was wondering if anyone can help?
> PS. I am using Python 3.3.0
> Thank you in advance!
> Rafael
In Python 3.3.0, input returns a string.  So square is a string.  There 
isn't any meaning to squaring a string.

You probably want either:

square = float(input("Enter a number.")
square = int(input("Enter a number.")

Suggestion for next time - include the error traceback.


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