[Tutor] keyboard interrupt

eryksun eryksun at gmail.com
Mon May 27 02:31:57 CEST 2013

On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 8:25 PM, Jim Mooney <cybervigilante at gmail.com> wrote:
> StackOverflow may be good but I just had an unpleasant experience
> wanting to add New .py file to my Windows context menu. The first
> advice I saw was missing a backslash and had me adding the string to
> the wrong key. Thankfully, it didn't work and I figured out what was
> wrong, so I now have New .py file ;')
> Bad programming advice is bad enough, but putting up bad advice to
> edit the Windows registry is Really, Really bad.

Did you leave a comment with the correction?

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