[Tutor] Project 4: Parsing rhinoceros sightings

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 3 10:08:03 CET 2013

On 03/11/13 03:10, phua hock choon wrote:
> /Hi Bob ,/
> //
> /I was looking at the a/m project from penn Uni with interest while
> learning ArcGis python scripting./
> //
> /Would like to enquire whether you still have the solution (Script) for
> the " Parsing rhinoceros sightings "/

If you read Bob's post(6th Oct) he doesn't have the solution. He asked 
the original requestor to post his question on the list. That person 
declined to do so, even though it was probably the best way for
him to get the help he needed. His choice. But we did not see the 
problem, let alone the solution.

In fact an earlier request for help on the same problem also failed to 
reach a public conclusion. I'm not quite sure what the reluctance to 
discuss this problem is caused by, but it seems that we will be forever 
teased but never satisfied. :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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