[Tutor] Load Entire File into memory

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Nov 4 14:16:36 CET 2013

On 04/11/13 13:06, Amal Thomas wrote:

> Present code:
> *f = open("output.txt")
> content=f.read().split('\n')
> f.close()

If your objective is to save time, then you should replace this with 
f.readlines() which will save you reprocesasing the entire file to 
remove the newlines.

> for lines in content:
> *  <processing>*
> *content.clear()*

But if you are processing line by line what makes you think that reading 
the entire file into RAM and then reprocessing it is faster than reading 
it line by line?

Have you tried that on aqnother file and measutred any significant 
improvement? There are times when reading into RAM is faster but I'm not 
sure this will be one of them.

for line in f:
    process line

may be your best bet.

> *f = open("output.txt")
> content=io.StringIO(f.read())
> f.close()
> for lines in content:
>    <processing>
> *
> *content.close()*

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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