[Tutor] Load Entire File into memory

Amal Thomas amalthomas111 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 4 14:55:49 CET 2013

I have checked the execution time manually as well as I found it through my
code. During execution of my code, at start, I stored my initial time(start
time) to a variable  and at the end calculated time taken to run the code =
end time - start time. There was a significance difference in time.


On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Peter Otten <__peter__ at web.de> wrote:

> Amal Thomas wrote:
> > Yes I have found that after loading to RAM and then reading lines by
> lines
> > saves a huge amount of time since my text files are very huge.
> How exactly did you find out? You should only see a speed-up if you iterate
> over the data at least twice.
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*AMAL THOMASFourth Year Undergraduate Student Department of Biotechnology
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