[Tutor] Removing Unnecessary Indentation and other problems

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Nov 16 01:27:07 CET 2013

On 15/11/13 22:44, harvey trasmontero wrote:

> I have two problems. First one is, using and downloading tkinter. I have
> searched about it and it led me to a download page. But then, I didnt
> know which one to download so I chose the first one on the right. It led
> me to a zip file and its saying extract the'.tar.gz files for tcl and
> tk' but I couldn't find it in the zip file that I downloaded. What do I do?

Normally Tkinter comes with Python.
You don't tell us which OS or Python version you are using?
But before trying to install it separately have you checked for a binary 
Python installer for your OS? Activestate have versions for
most common OS and they usually include Tkinter ready to run.

> dictionary kind of looks like this:
> Dic = {"Sunnynook Rd":'50',"Carlisle Rd":'50',"East Coast
> Rd":'50',"Upper Harbour Drive":'50',
>      "Lake Rd":'50',"Waipa St":'50',"Great North Rd":'50',"Richardson
> Rd":'50',"Atkinson Rd":'50'}

How you create the dictionary has no bearing on how it will display.
You need to show us the code that produces the printout.

>   My problem is when I run my program, there are unnecessary
> indentations in Upper Harbour Drive and Lake Rd.

What font are you using? If it is not monospace then
formatting will be unpredictable. If layout is important its
usually better to use a layout centered language like HTML
or LaTeX to format the text before printing. for example you
could create an HTML table.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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