[Tutor] Is there a package to "un-mangle" characters?
Albert-Jan Roskam
fomcl at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 22 14:58:38 CET 2013
> Today I had a csv file in utf-8 encoding, but part of
the accented
> characters were mangled. The data were scraped from a
website and it
> turned out that at least some of the data were mangled
on the website
> already. Bits of the text were actually cp1252 (or
cp850), I think,
> even though the webpage was in utf-8 Is there any
package that helps
> to correct such issues?
The links in the Wikipedia article may help:
International Components for Unicode (ICU) does charset
Python wrapper:
import icu
russian_text = u'Здесь некий
текст на русском языке.'
encoded_text =
cd = icu.CharsetDetector()
match = cd.detect()
matches = cd.detectAll()
>>> match.getName()
>>> match.getConfidence()
>>> match.getLanguage()
>>> [m.getName() for m in matches]
['windows-1251', 'ISO-8859-6', 'ISO-8859-8-I',
>>> [m.getConfidence() for m in
[33, 13, 8, 8]
====> Hi Mark, Eryksun,
Thank you very much for your suggestions. Mark (sorry if I repeat myself but I think my earlier reply got lost), charset seems worth looking into. In hindsight I knew about chardet (with 'd'), I just forgot about it. Re: your other remark: I think encoding issues are such a common phenomenon that one can never be too inexperienced to start reading about it.
The ICU module seems very cool too. I like the fact that you can even calculate a level of confidence. I wonder how it performs in my language (Dutch), where accented characters are not very common.
Most is ascii (the printable chars in 0-128) and those are (I think) useless for trying to figure out the encoding. After all, utf-8, latin-1, cp1252, iso-8859-1 are all supersets of ascii. But in practice I treat those last three encodings as the same anyway (or was there some sneaky difference with fancyquotes?).
I did a quick check and 0.2 % of the street names in my data (about 300K records) contain one or more accented characters (ordinals > 128). Since only part of the records are mangled, I may need to run getName() on every record that has accented characters in it.
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