[Tutor] Output not legible when debugging with ipdb

Peter Zorn mail at peterzorn.de
Tue Nov 26 15:22:54 CET 2013

Hi everyone -

I'm fairly new to Python and I'm working through this (<http://quant-econ.net/>
) tutorial to learn the language.

I've encountered a problem with the ipdb debugger and I
wonder if anyone can help. When I run this code
(<http://quant-econ.net/ipython.html#setting-a-break-point> )
and include the "import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()" command line, the ipdb
debugger starts but its output is not legible (see debugging1.pdf in
attach). In addition, after I ran the code, the layout of any other
terminal output is also changed (see debugging2.pdf).

I'm running Python(x,y) on Windows 7 64-bit in the Windows Powershell,
but I've had the same problem with the Anaconda distribution of Python.


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