[Tutor] strip and split?

Don Jennings dfjennings at gmail.com
Sat Nov 30 22:34:31 CET 2013

On Nov 30, 2013, at 1:40 PM, richard kappler wrote:

> I'm using psutil to generate some somatic data with the following script:
> import psutil as ps
> cpu = ps.cpu_percent()
> mem = ps.virtual_memory()
> disk = ps.disk_usage('/')
> All works well, but except for cpu I am struggling to learn how to strip out what I don't need.
> For example, once I do the above, if I then enter "disk" I get:
> disk usage(total=302264549376, used=73844322304, free=213066088448, percent=24.4)
> So if I want only the number following percent, I get that I need to convert this to a built in type and do some split and strip

You could take that approach, but you might find that this one is easier:

>>> psutil.disk_usage('/')[-1:][0]

Take care,

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