[Tutor] empty delimiters, and None

spir denis.spir at gmail.com
Sat Nov 30 10:28:19 CET 2013

On 11/29/2013 02:19 PM, ugajin at talktalk.net wrote:
> I have also looked at locale.py Line 494 of which is the last line of a def (def function?) I include this below, hopefully this may save you searching for locale.py (Pyhon 2.6) should you need it and wish to answer the above questions, it may help.
> def setlocale(category, locale=None):
>      """ Set the locale for the given category.  The locale can be
>          a string, a locale tuple (language code, encoding), or None.
>          Locale tuples are converted to strings the locale aliasing
>          engine.  Locale strings are passed directly to the C lib.
>          category may be given as one of the LC_* values.
>      """
>      if locale and type(locale) is not type(""):
>          # convert to string
>          locale = normalize(_build_localename(locale))
>      return _setlocale(category, locale)

As a side-note, in addition to what other have said, the headline of the 
function def

     def setlocale(category, locale=None)

says that None is the default (standard) value for the parameter 'locale'. This 
means that, if ever you provide no value for it when calling setlocale, then the 
value None is used in standard. So, you could as well call it like:

     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL)	# no value at all for param 'locale'

instead of you correction

     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, None)

for the initial version

     locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

This is actually good coding practice (in all language which have default values).


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