[Tutor] No module named odbchelper

Rabah Abdallah abdallah.rabah91 at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 8 20:33:16 CEST 2013


I am using dive in python book to to learn python programing languege  on  mac
in one of the examples is odbchelper imported but when i start debugging I recieved
 ImportError: No module named odbchelper 

here is my code on text wrangler

import sys
from apihelper import info 
li = []
print info(li)
print ' '
print ' ' 

"""Advanced Usage of apihelper.py"""
import odbchelper
a = info(odbcherper)
print a
b = info(odbchelper, 30)
print b
c = info(odbchelper, 30, 0)
print c 


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