[Tutor] Passing arguments?

Jugurtha Hadjar jugurtha.hadjar at gmail.com
Sun Oct 20 16:04:53 CEST 2013


 > the data from the user in main.  You must print the name of the product,
 > the weight and the cost of shipping in a separate function.

Your code printed that in main.

 >      print('Product:', product)
 >      print('Weight:', weight)

Also, you have an int(input("weight:"))

Weight seldom is an integer.

There's also no need to create three functions 
(calc_weight_[small|medium|large]) that do the exact same thing: i.e 
multiply the ship rate by the weight.

Also, there is overlap in your calculations:

if weight<=10
     shiprate = 1.5

elif weight >=10
     shiprate = 1.45

What if weight = 10 pounds ? Is the shiprate 1.5 or 1.45 ? In other 
words, you have to exclude one. (The second, to get the most money).

if weight<=10
     shiprate = 1.5

elif weight>10
     shiprate = 1.45

Now for the code:

Why not make one function that does things:

Warning: I'm on Python 2.7, so take into account raw_input() and print() 

Also, I haven't modified the type of product_weight and let it integer. 
You might want to change that. I haven't sanitized the inputs, neither.

--code starts here--

def calc_shiprate(product_name, product_weight):

# Takes two (2) arguments: "product_name" and "product_weight".
# Returns "amount_to_pay" by applying ship-rates depending on
# "product_weight".

# Following are the ship-rates in $/pound

     shiprate_small = 1.5
     shiprate_medium = 1.45
     shiprate_large  = 1.4

     if product_weight <=10:
         shiprate = shiprate_small
     elif (product_weight > 10) and (product_weight <= 25):
         shiprate = shiprate_medium
         shiprate = shiprate_large

     amount_to_pay = product_weight * shiprate

     print "Total to pay for product %s weighing %d pounds is: %d " % 
(product_name, product_weight, amount_to_pay)

product_name = raw_input("Product name: ")
product_weight = int(raw_input("Product weight: "))

calc_shiprate(product_name, product_weight)

--code ends here--

~Jugurtha Hadjar,

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