[Tutor] Beginner Question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Oct 22 19:06:33 CEST 2013

On 22/10/13 15:25, Sven Hennig wrote:
> Hello, I would like to learn a programming language and have decided to
> use Python. I have some programming experience and doing well in Python.
> What really causes me problems is OOP.

Don't worry this is common.
The problem with OOP is that it only really becomes useful when you get 
to bigger programs than a beginner has typically met. So its value is 
not obvious.

For some (slightly) more real world examples try the OOP page in my 
tutorial with examples using shapes and bank accounts. (see .sig)

The other big area where it is used is in GUI programming. On-screen 
widgets like buttons, menus, sliders etc are naturally modelled as 
objects. You can then attach methods like onPress to a button
or onMove() or position() to a slider. Then as you build your GUI screen 
you will have klots of instanmces of the objects, multiple buttons, 
labels, text fields etc.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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