[Tutor] checking list position

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Fri Oct 25 03:32:58 CEST 2013

On 23/10/2013 21:42, Mauricio Villamil wrote:

> Hello,
> And thank you for any help.

Welcome to the python-tutor mailinglist.

Please use text emalis, not html.  Your email program has lost all the
indentation below, making your program really hard to follow.

> I am writing a little prog. On this part I need to recursively (preferably)
>  write to a list a value only if it's less than 49, else do an operation to
> make it less than 49, then check which is the next available spot on the
> list and write there ... so pseudo code would be like:
> def getGM(seed): ## function
>  Gnumbers = [5] ## list to write to
>  for i in Gnumbers: iterate from begining of list to write to it
>  if (result <= 49):
> result = math.floor(seed   * 1.61803398875)     ## find value lesser than 49
> place = int(len(Gnumbers))                             ## fins how long is
> the list so far
> Gnumbers[i] = result                                      ##  place result
> at spot in list
> print  ("this is place   :", place)                        ## see length of
> list
>  else: ## if number bigger than 49 then divide the number to make it
> smaller and wrote
>  result = math.floor(seed / 1.61803398875)  ## make number smaller
>  if (result <= 49):## if right size write to array
>  Gnumbers[i] = result
>  else:
> getGM(result)## if not divide again ( this could be a dedicated function ?
> So ..the biggie is knowing all any time which is the next available place
> in the list to write to (we don't want to overwirte previous values ....

To write to the next place in a list, simply use append.


No clue what the code you posted is supposed to do.


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