[Tutor] Dictionary from a text file

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Thu Oct 31 11:55:33 CET 2013

On 10/31/2013 2:16 AM, Nitish Kunder wrote:
> I have a dictionary which is in this format
> for ex:
> {
> '5x' : {
> '50' : {
> 'update' : {
> 'update-from-esxi5.0-5.0_update01' : {
> 'call' : Update,
> 'name' : 'Update50u1',
> 'release' : '15/03/12'
> },
> 'update-from-esxi5.0-5.0_update02' : {
> 'call' : Update,
> 'name' : 'Update50u2',
> 'release' : '21/12/12'
> },
> },
> 'patch' : {
> 'ESXi500-201109001' : {
> 'call' : Patch,
> 'name' :'Patch_501',
> 'release' : '13/09/11'
> },
> 'ESXi500-201111001' : {
> 'call' : Patch,
> 'name' :'ExpressPatch501',
> 'release' : '13/09/11'
> },
> },
> },
Does it have to be in a dictionary format? I'd rather use sqlite to 
store the data.

Also please give us a use case. There is probably a much simper and more 
elegant solution.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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