[Tutor] Is Python a scripting language

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Sep 7 10:13:18 CEST 2013


>    I just wanted to know what exactly are scripting language used for

Your best bet is to read what wikipedia has to say on the subject.
The whole question of "scripting languages" has become clouded in recent 
times and the definition is open to some interpretation.

> and if python is one such language.

Python can be used as a scripting language but in my personal definition 
of the term Python is more than a scripting language
it is a purpose programming language which happens to be
interpreted rather than compiled. (and even that is only partly

> Can it be used in place of say, PHP?


> I'm asking because I have a project in my 1st sem to design a website
> using PHP and since I already know a good deal of python and nothing of
> PHP, I was wondering if I could use python instead.

If the class is in PHP then no, you will likely fail if you use a 
different language from that assigned. If the class is in web design 
then yes, you probably can, but you will need to pick a suitable web 
framework (and Python has many). Something like Pylons or CherryPy are 

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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