[Tutor] Expected indented block error
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 23 19:14:48 CEST 2013
On 21/09/13 23:44, Arron Sutcliffe wrote:
> Hi i have been working on a currency converter for school and i have
> been having a hard time with this syntax error "Expected indented block"
> and i don't understand why it isn't working.
It tells you, it's expecting an indented block...
> v_fallback = 1
> while v_fallback == 1:
> print("Please enter your current currency")
> v_current = input()
> if v_current == ("USD" or "usd" or "US Dollars" or "us dollars"):
> print("Please enter the name of the currency you wish to
> convert to")
> print("Your options are GBP, EUR, INR, AUD, CAD, AED or BACK to
> return to the Main Menu")
> v_final = input()
> if v_final ==("GBP" or "gpb"):
Python is expecting an indented block of code to do something when the
if is true. So eoitrher you put some code here or...
> if v_final == ("EUR" or "eur"):
You indent this line. But thats probably a bad idea.
> if v_final == ("INR" or "inr"):
> if v_final == ("AUD" or "aud"):
> if v_final == ("CAD" or "cad"):
BTW these lines are almost certainly not doing what you think they are.
This is not testing whether v_final is one of the values in the if tet,
it is testing whether v_final has the same truth(boolewan0 vale as the
expression (str1 or str2) which is always True.
You probably want something like
if v_final.upper() == "GBP": # do something
or, more likely in this case:
if v_final.upper() in ("GBP", "INR", "AUD", ...other values): #do this
> if v_final == ("AED" or "aed"):
> if v_final == ("BACK" or "back"):
> else:
> print ("ERROR - Please enter a valid currency, if incorrect
> currency is entered again program will close")
> print("Your options are GBP, EUR, INR, AUD, CAD, AED or
> BACK to return to the main menu")
> v_final = input()
> if v_final == ("GBP" or "gbp"):
> if v_final == ("EUR" or "eur"):
> if v_final == ("INR" or "inr"):
> if v_final == ("AUD" or "aud"):
> if v_final ==("CAD" or "cad"):
> if v_final == ("AED" or "aed"):
> if v_final == ("BACK" or "back"):
> else print ("ERROR - Program will close"):
> v_fallback = 0
And there is a programming principle called DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).
You have the same set of tests here as above. Rather than limit the user
to 2 goes you could wrap the tests into a while loop and only have them
once. That way there is never any risk of them getting out of step
with each other. (You could also encapsulate them in a function but you
might not have covered functions yet!)
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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