[Tutor] Writing program: To Do List in Python 3.0
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 26 16:02:37 CEST 2013
On 26/09/13 12:29, Rafael Knuth wrote:
>> At some stage it will cover reading and writing to files as well as data
>> structures that will help store your data more effectively and looping
>> constructs that will help you process it more effectively.
>> ...
> (insofar it's usable at all) ..? Weirdly, writing and reading to files
> is not covered in those tutorials I am working with.
Really? Then I'd consider finding another tutorial file access is pretty
fundamental to any non trivial program.
You could try mine(see below) or any of the many other tutorials available.
>>> print("This is my to do list")
>>> Monday = input("Monday ")
>>> Tuesday = input("Tuesday ")
>>> Wednesday = input("Wednesday ")
>>> Thursday = input("Thursday ")
>>> Friday = input("Friday ")
>>> Saturday = input("Saturday ")
>>> Sunday = input("Sunday ")
This has lots of problems. What happens if you have more
than one thing to do on any given day? What if you want
more than one week? Data collections such as lists and
dictionaries can cope with those situations much better.
days = {}
days['Monday'] = input('What to do on Monday?')
print days['Monday']
Using loops covers the multi-todo situation:
events = []
for current in ('Monday','Tuesday',...etc):
while True:
event = input('What to do?')
if not event: break # exit loop on empty input
else: events.append(event)
days[current] = events
Or you could pick a day from a menu...
>>> print("So, here are your plans for:" +
>>> "\nMonday " + Monday +
>>> "\nTuesday " + Tuesday +
>>> "\nWednesday " + Wednesday +
>>> "\nThursday " + Thursday +
>>> "\nFriday " + Friday +
>>> "\nSaturday " + Saturday +
>>> "\nSunday " + Sunday)
Again a loop will do this:
for day in days:
print day
for event in events:
print '\t' + event
That would produce output like:
go to doctor
go to funeral parlour
get buried
>> --
>> Alan G
>> Author of the Learn to Program web site
>> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/alangauldphotos
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