[Tutor] List Python Question..Please help

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Sep 28 02:06:08 CEST 2013

top posting fixed

> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Jacqueline Canales
> <jackiexxduh3 at gmail.com <mailto:jackiexxduh3 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     composers = ['Antheil', 'Saint-Saens', 'Beethoven', 'Easdale',
>     'Nielsen']
>     x = 'Antheil'
>     s = 'Saint-Saens'
>     h = 'Beethoven'
>     y = 'Easdale'
>     k = 'Nielsen'
>     if s[0] == 'S' or s[0] == 's' == s[-1] == 'S' or s[-1] == 's':
>          if y[0] == 'E' or y[0] == 'e' == y[-1] == 'E' or y[-1] == 'e':
>              if k[0] == 'N' or k[0] == 'n' == k[-1] == 'N' or k[-1] == 'n':
>                  print(s,k,y)
>              else:
>                  print(" ")
>     ####Answer i Got Below
>      >>>
>     Saint-Saens Nielsen Easdale
>      >>>
>     Is this what i was going for in the direction i was a bit confused
>     if we were suppose create loops or if statements that are verified
>     in the actual composers list. I don't know i feel as if i know what
>     i need to do i just cant put it together.

On 28/09/2013 00:59, wesley chun wrote:> hello,
 > well, i have to say that you've at least made a good start at a
 > solution. right now you're thinking about it very much like a human. try
 > to put yourself into the shoes of a computer: how can we solve this task
 > for just ONE name?
 > once you have that solution, then you can apply the same solution for
 > all names by looping over or iterating through them. in your solution,
 > you tried to do everything at once using brute force.
 > i recommend you take the lessons learned you borrow some of that code
 > and solve it for a single name. for example, take a look at this 
 > name = 'Guido'
 > if name first letter == name last letter: # turn this into real Python
 > using what you have
 >      print 'match'
 > else:
 >      print 'not a match'
 > then add the collection and a loop, and you'll be at your solution!
 > best of luck!
 > --wesley

I'd like to see the above work, e.g. how do you correctly compare the 
letters in 'Amanda'?


Mark Lawrence

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